Monday, February 22, 2010

Radial Head Subluxation

a.k.a Nursemaid's Elbow - in laymans terms "popping your elbow out of joint". Devlyn managed to do this to his left arm today while sitting on the floor next to me. Apparently he moved too quickly and bent his arm backwards??!? The immediate yelping was a bit odd but since he had literally been sitting on the floor I wasn't too worried about it. After 10 minutes of watching him walk around like a gimp refusing to move anything on his left side I figured it was time to run a few amateur Dr. Mom tests. Can you move it? No. Can you squeeze my hand? No. What happens if I do this? Intense screaming follows. Houston, we have a problem. Off to the doctor we went. The nurse practitioner immediately knew what that problem was and popped his elbow back into joint (not enjoyable for anyone involved). She then taught me how to do it in case it ever happens again - ew. Devlyn hopped off the table, took three steps and nearly passed out. They gave him plenty of Motrin and sent us out for x-rays. We're happy to report everything is aok and Devlyn is resting comfortably watching Stuart Little with the use of both his arms! Holy freak episode!

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