Thursday, September 9, 2010

Conversations with Devlyn

We sold a few things on Craigslist today so people were coming by the house and checking things out, negotiating....picking up stuff, etc. When I was putting Devlyn to bed this evening I thanked him for helping out with selling stuff. I asked him if he thought we should try to sell Blake just to see what he'd say. His eyes got real big and he shook his head no. "Ya, you're right," I said. "We wouldn't get much money for him anyway...he's too loud" Devlyn laughed. "What about me?" I asked. "We might get a lot of money for me!"

"I'd give my whole piggy bank for you," Devlyn replied, dead serious. Major love moment for Mommy.

"Well what about Daddy? Should we sell him?" I asked.

"No, I love him." was Devlyn's reply to that. Not sure what that means for me but hey I AM worth an entire piggy bank (which for the record is mostly full of pennies).

Much later in the bedtime ritual - as he was drifting off and I was just about to leave I whispered, "I love you so so much Devlyn." Without missing a beat, in perfect deadpan humor tone he shot back, "That's why I don't want to sell you."

I will forever laugh remembering that conversation - ha!

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