Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kindergarten Bound

Well, it's happened.  Devlyn has gone and grown up.  We register him for kindergarten tomorrow and I am a sentimental wreck.  He is SO ready and I am SO not : (  I grossly underestimated the effect this rite of passage would have on me.  To be honest, until the sappiness washed over me unexpectedly, I don't think I even realized this was a rite of passage!  His first day of school will be sometime at the end of August and I may as well just request that day off right now - I'll be a mess!  I'm not ready to share him with the whole world!  I suddenly find myself longing for all of us to remain in Soapstone Preschool's insulated, cozy little universe - FOREVER.  Instead I am on the brink of buses, K-5th graders, backpacks, school lunches and God knows what else.  I need a valium.  Devlyn, on the other hand is excited and proud - just how he should be.  Charles and I were watching video online of 6 and 7 year old boys playing sports at a summer camp the other night and I started bawling - I can't handle all this growing up!  Some lucky teacher out there gets to watch his mind work and grow all next year.  Ok - crying again - end of blog!

1 comment:

  1. Kindergarten is a pretty big deal! I'm sure he'll be completely prepared thanks to you both......sending valium......
