Monday, February 28, 2011

Never Say Never

Bieber Fever has taken hold at the Upchurch household and it's 100% my fault.  I saw a preview for the movie Never Say Never about a month ago.  It featured video clips of JB as a youngster doing so many things I've seen Devlyn do - it instantly sparked my interest.  My formerly dismissive attitude towards the Biebster instantly flipped and I sat down with Devlyn that day and watched a few of his videos on YouTube.  Fast forward to today...we've seen the movie, we own the CD and Devlyn can sing all the words to Baby, Baby a cappella (complete with the Ludacris rap in the middle) all by himself.  I find myself fielding questions about Justin Bieber all day long.  "What does Justin Bieber eat for breakfast?", "Does Justin Bieber play baseball?"   So cute!  I followed Devlyn around the house tonight with my phone as he was singing Baby, Baby all the way through for the second time in a row.  Visually it's no prize winner but I'm impressed with his rhythm and lyrics considering there was no background besides Charles and I : )  It's not an easy listen with Blake in the background yelling (surprise!) but worth your while if you're a long distance grandperson or auntie : )  

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha - it is contagious!! We are the same way here! Walker has posters of him in his room, we have the CD too and we've looked at all of the videos online! He's just so darn talented and a cute little flirt, it's hard not to like him! But I will say that Devlyn's singing is much stronger and on tone that Walker's!
